What are your hours of operation?
Our business hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon-Fri Mountain standard time. Our shipping cut-off time for express packages is 2:30 p.m. daily. After hours AOG assistance may be available. Call 208-323-0001 or send an email to AWA Sales Team for more information.
Do you only sell Hawker Business Jet Parts?
Yes. Since our founding in 1994, we have specialized in supporting Hawker 125 Series Business Jets. Over the years, we have become even more specialized in our service to the fleet by addressing specific needs for hard-to-find products.
Do you have a list of the parts that you sell?
Yes. PDF downloads containing our New Product Categories as well as our Custom Tools and GSE can be found here on our website.
We also offer a downloadable spreadsheet containing all of our Factory New Clearance materials.
To request a quote for a specific Hawker Business Jet part or GSE item, please contact a sales associate via email at sales@hawkerparts.com or call 208-323-0001.
I have excess inventory to sell. Would you be interested?
We would love to take a look at your inventory for sale. For consideration send a detailed list of items for sale to cbest@hawkerparts.com. Please include: Part Number, Description, Condition, Cert Type, Cert Date, and asking price(s). Thank you.